The A-Clase project is dedicated to fostering inclusion, lifelong learning, active ageing, and employability through a series of targeted initiatives and activities. Here is a general overview of the project’s main objectives:

Promote Inclusion and Diversity

  • Develop and implement training materials tailored to diverse learners, emphasizing respect, intercultural understanding, and empathy.
  • Evaluate and improve strategies to ensure effective inclusion and diversity in education, training, youth, and sport.
  • Outcome: Enhanced awareness and capability to serve diverse learners, fostering a culture of respect and inclusion.

Create and Promote Lifelong Learning Opportunities

  • Make learning accessible and engaging for individuals of all ages and backgrounds.
  • Encourage a culture of continuous learning, collaborating with community organizations to extend learning opportunities.
  • Outcome: Increased participation in lifelong learning, with a broader recognition of its importance across generations.

Promote Active Ageing and Digital Literacy

  • Train senior volunteers in digital content creation and pedagogical practices to support active ageing.
  • Develop engaging and accessible training materials.
  • Outcome: Improved awareness and understanding of active ageing, coupled with enhanced digital literacy among senior participants.

Enhance Employability and Content Literacy

  • Develop resources focused on career management and soft skills to support unemployed and lower-educated individuals.
  • Foster partnerships with local employers to promote job readiness and career development.
  • Outcome: Increased employability and job readiness, with a stronger emphasis on the importance of soft skills in career advancement.
Socila cohesion

These objectives collectively aim to build a more inclusive, educated, and employable community, enhancing social cohesion and intergenerational cooperation.
The A-Clase project aspires to create meaningful and lasting impacts on individuals and the wider community by addressing key educational and social challenges.


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Topliška cesta 2
SI-8000 Novo mesto





+386 (0)31 746 004
