
The A-CLASE project encompasses a series of targeted activities designed to promote inclusion, lifelong learning, active ageing, and employability. 

Project Management and Collaboration

Duration: 01/01/2024 – 30/06/2025
Lead Organization: RIC Novo mesto (Slovenia)

  • Develop a comprehensive Project Management and Collaboration Plan.
  • Establish regular communication channels and organize transnational project meetings.
  • Ensure financial management and reporting compliance.
  • Develop a Quality Evaluation Assurance Plan (QEA) and Risk Management Strategy.

Ensure smooth coordination, effective communication, and high-quality implementation of project activities.

Training of Implementers

Duration: 01/01/2024 – 28/06/2024
Lead Organization: RIC Novo mesto (Slovenia)
Location: Turkey

  • Select and animate 20 senior volunteers (10 per partner organisation).
  • Train volunteers in dialogic gatherings (DG) methodology and ICT literacy, focusing on communication tools.
  • Implement training sessions combining lectures, workshops, and hands-on practice.

Equip senior volunteers with the skills to lead DGs effectively and promote intergenerational cooperation.

Conducting Dialogic Gatherings

Duration: 07/02/2024 – 02/08/2024
Lead Organization: SAYEG-DER (Turkey)

  • Prepare and animate participants, organizing weekly meetings for groups of unemployed and lower-educated individuals.
  • Monitor the performance of DGs and provide regular supervision and feedback sessions.
  • Document the outcomes and prepare an implementation report.

Facilitate meaningful conversations and skill development among unemployed and lower-educated participants, promoting social inclusion and employability.

Platform and Toolkit Development

Duration: 01/01/2024 – 30/06/2025
Lead Organization: RIC Novo mesto (Slovenia)

  • Develop a digital platform and toolkit to support the implementation of DGs.
  • Provide resources, training materials, and best practice guidelines.
  • Ensure accessibility and user-friendliness for all participants.

Provide essential tools and resources to facilitate the effective implementation and scalability of DGs.

Guidelines Development and Ambassadorship

Duration: 21/02/2024 – 02/06/2025
Lead Organization: SAYEG-DER (Turkey)

  • Develop comprehensive guidelines for integrating DGs into adult education curricula.
  • Train senior volunteers to become ambassadors, promoting the DG methodology.
  • Organize final events to showcase project outcomes and celebrate ambassadors.

Establish a sustainable model for the integration of DGs in adult education and promote long-term impact through ambassadorship.

Goals of the Activities

  • Promote Inclusion and Diversity: Through targeted training and meaningful engagement of diverse participants.
  • Encourage Lifelong Learning: By providing continuous learning opportunities and fostering a culture of growth.
  • Enhance Employability: Through skill development and increased job readiness.
  • Build Community: By strengthening intergenerational cooperation and social bonds.

Timeline of Key Activities

  • January 2024: Project kickoff and initial training of implementers.
  • February – August 2024: Conducting dialogic gatherings with target groups.
  • Throughout 2024: Development of the digital platform and toolkit.
  • February 2024 – June 2025: Ongoing development of guidelines and ambassadorship training.
  • June 2025: Final events and project wrap-up.

The activities of the A-CLASE project are designed to create a lasting positive impact on individuals and communities,
fostering a more inclusive, educated, and connected society.

RIC Novo mesto

Topliška cesta 2
8000 Novo mesto

T: +386 7 393 45 50

M: +386 1 746 004


Saygın Eğitimciler ve Girişimciler Derneği

Perpa Ticaret Merkezi Halil Rıfat Paşa Mah. Yüzer
Havuz Sk. No:1/1
1669 Şişli/İstanbul



